Singer Refers To G-Flat As G For Some Reason
John Man is a classical singer studying at an important music school and, much like an emu or Godzilla, has two legs.
“Hi,” he said enthusiastically. “Wait, was I saying that to myself, or to you? Who can tell? Ha ha!”
Recently in a lesson Man told his pianist that he was worried about the high G in his piece. The pianist, somewhat confused, couldn’t find which note Man was talking about.
“These accompanists and their scores,” scoffed Man. “It’s right there,” he explained, pointing to a note that was clearly G-Flat and not G.
Although the pianist explained that these were two different notes, and demonstrated the difference by playing both of them one after the other, Man was not convinced. “I don’t need you to play your big fallen over harp machine to show me what notes are. Whatever it’s called, it feels like a G.”
His teacher agreed. “It’s all about the feeling,” he explained. “Lets try singing that G again, or as I like to call it, the note from woobly-joobly land.”
Man had to leave the lesson shortly thereafter, but found it somewhat difficult to do so because he kept walking into the wall instead of a door that was just nearby. “Gosh, this door sure feels funny,” he said. “If I didn’t know better, I’d say it was some type of door that won’t open.”